Advanced Reader Sign-ups (ARC)

Hello, my lovelies!
Before I even start, I want to say thank you. Without you and your help and support, none of this would be possible. Thank you for loving Alku and its people as much as I do.

Now to the real fun! One of the main cogs in the author machine is ARC support. I would love to include those interested in my team. To be extremely clear, I do NOT pay for reviews, and this will not include monetary compensation. I will provide the ebook to you and occasionally will send out small goodies.

My process is simple. I’ll have you fill out a quick form, and then when I have a new ARC, I’ll send an email with some additional information, and you can decide if that book is right for you. If you have questions, suggestions, or concerns, please ping me, and I’d be happy to chat.

All I ask of you in return for the book are a few things:

  1. Do not post or share the files I send you. I’ve spent tens of thousands of hours on this universe, and while I want folks to share it, bills are a thing. Sadly.

  2. Give the book a fair read. The copy you receive may have typos or formatting issues. If you find something and want to let me know what it is, I’ll be grateful, though it’s not required. Just keep that in mind if/when you review the book.

  3. Try to review the book. Did Not Finish (DNF) is a thing, and while I hope you’ll never not want to finish one of my books, it’s possible. If that’s the case, all I ask is that you let me know so I can keep track. If you fail to post a review for more than one book, you may be removed from the program. If you do read the book, please post reviews on as many places as possible: Amazon, Campfire, Goodreads, etc.

  4. Keep me informed. If you no longer want to receive the notification emails, that’s allowed. Just send me a message through any outlet, and I’ll remove you and excize your information from my system. You can always reapply if you change your mind.


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